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Pop Out Music Player
By Summit FM Contributor Marc Lee Shannon I would arrive home, click on the Yamaha tuner that powers up the Klipsch speakers and subwoofer, and exhale—the simple joy of my favorite music station's at-home, end-of-day comfort. As I took off my jacket, put my backpack on the floor, and plopped on the couch, I would […]
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Summit Wellness Artist Spotlight: Noah Kahan

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By Sarah Swirsky - Summit FM Wellness Coordinator What Can We Learn from Noah Kahan’s Mental Health Journey? Don't let this darkness fool youAll lights turned off can be turned on 'Call Your Mom' - Noah Kahan Noah Kahan's lyrics in "Call Your Mom" serve as a poignant reminder that even when life feels bleak, […]
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Summit Wellness: "Guitar in Hand"

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By Marc Lee Shannon - Summit FM Feel Better-ER Host Since I was a 14-year-old skinny, lonely kid, who dreamed of being a basketball player for the Lakers or Celtics, but unfortunately lacked the talent to back it up, I have had one steady, unwavering friend. The Guitar. It took me to high school dances, […]
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Music and Your Wellness: Four Ways Music Impacts Us

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By Sarah Swirsky, MSW, LSW, Summit FM Wellness Coordinator You're likely aware of the incredible power of music to uplift and inspire, but were you aware that music can also have positive effects on your mental health and wellness? So, crank up your favorite song and explore the surprising health benefits that music has to […]
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