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Album Essentials: The Beatles "Help!"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor The Beatles story is a legend, a living legend, a legend that will live after lots of other living legends have died. Umm, oh wait, that's the Rutles. The Beatles were a pop group from Liverpool, England. Formed in the early 1960s, they would eventually take over the […]
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Album Essentials: Tracy Chapman "Tracy Chapman"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor To have your debut album not only garner vast critical acclaim, but to also connect with a huge audience is truly something special. The 1989 debut from Tracy Chapman not only brought in rave reviews, three Grammy wins, and four other nominations, but hit #1 in nine countries, […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Graham Parker has lived a life of music. From his teenage years, following a beat group dream, and on through to gracing the world stage with his own brand of rock and roll, which he merged with soul, folk, and a smart pop sensibility. Parker hit the ground […]
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Album Essentials: Barenaked Ladies "Gordon"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor One thing for certain about Canadian rock music, it's all over the map! And that's a good thing! If there is a 'Canadian sound,' it would have to slot somewhere in between Neil Young, Rush, Nick Gilder, the Guess Who, Voivod, Nash The Slash, Thundermug, and, well, you […]
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Album Essentials: ENO "Here Come The Warm Jets"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor New York. London. Paris, and of course, Munich. Everybody, go on now, talk about Pop Music! What is Pop Music? Certainly, one would think pop, being short for popular…however, so much amazing pop music had nothing to do with popularity contests. It was meant to define music in […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor As ‘National Women’s Month’ continues, I would like to take a page here to talk about one of my favorite artists ever, male or female. Of all the amazing female artists in the history of rock and roll music, there are few quite as intriguing, captivating, or simply […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor No lying, no pretense, no hype sheet, just the facts! The Pretenders self-titled debut album stands as one of the greatest, most fully formed debut's in rock and roll! Way back upon its release in 1980, every note, every guitar chord, and every word rang true, and all […]
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Album Essentials: Twenty One Pilots - "Blurryface"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Straight outta Columbus, Ohio, Twenty One Pilots have certainly made, and maintained, a name for themselves over the past fifteen years or so. After entering the game with a couple of independently released albums, the duo of Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun got snapped up by a Warner […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor What with it being 'National Women's Month' and all, though, come on, women should be celebrated each and every day of every month! I thought it a good time to mention a new book just out for space on your shelves. It's a book about a great rock […]
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Album Essentials: Norah Jones - "Come Away With Me"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Robert Plant Looks Back While Moving Forward On 1988's 'Now And Zen' Norah Jones is not your average, everyday performer. People picked up on that fact from the start, as her 2002 debut album, 'Come Away with Me,' proved in numbers. Born Geethali Norah Jones Shankar, in 1979, […]
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