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Album Essentials: Robert Plant - "Now and Zen"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Robert Plant Looks Back While Moving Forward On 1988's 'Now And Zen' When Led Zeppelin fell apart following the death of drummer John Bonham, in 1980, there was little, if any, serious talk about continuing. The brotherhood that was Led Zeppelin was done. A new decade always presents […]
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Album Essentials: Ben Folds Five

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Ben Folds Five Make Their Debut LP Back In 1995 29 years ago, during that post-Alt Rock hangover, there seemed to be room for just about any style of music, from the angst soaked leftovers and hip hop mongers, to disposable pop music and the imminent rise of […]
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Album Essentials: Oasis - "Definitely Maybe"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Oasis Hit The Ground Running 30 Years Ago With ‘Definitely Maybe’ This is not news, but just to make clear, years do indeed evaporate before our very eyes and ears. How is it possible that this summer will signal the 30th (yeah, count 'em!) anniversary of the debut […]
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Album Essentials: David Gray - "White Ladder"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Initially released in November of 1998, 'White Ladder' proved to solidify everything David Gray had been working towards since the early part of the decade. With three albums under his belt, Gray settled in at his home studio to record his fourth album in the spring of 1998. […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Consider this for a moment if you will, in 1970, Stevie Wonder released his 12th album, the now classic 'Signed, Sealed & Delivered.' At the time of release, he had only recently turned 20, 12 albums into his career, and just two years out of his teens?! That's […]
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Album Essentials: Tori Amos - "Little Earthquakes"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor "Who wants some sniveling female all the time?" asked Tori Amos, in a 1991 interview to promote her debut album, 'Little Earthquakes.’ "After all, just because something happened to me, and it was traumatic, doesn't make it interesting. I have to get my scissors out and make sure […]
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Album Essentials: Van Halen - "1984"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor When Van Halen first exploded, back in 1978, with their self-titled debut LP, they took the rock world hostage, in a manner of speaking. Though it was incorrect, heavy metal had long been associated with doom and gloom, downers and volume, lengthy guitar solos, drum solos, witches, dragons, […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor By the end of 1983, The Police were, quite simply, the biggest band in the world. Their fifth album, 'Synchronicity,' was a huge hit, spawning a handful of massive hit singles, and ultimately selling multi-platinum. After being active non-stop since forming in 1977, they decided that, following a […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor What does one get when you take one of England's finest singer/songwriters, pair him up with one of America's most respected and heralded combos, and unleash them on a songbook of unknown lyrics from one of the most important figures in the history of American music? You get […]
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Album Essentials: JD McPherson - "Socks"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor When it comes to contemporary Christmas albums, it's hard to outdo JD McPherson's 'Socks.' On his 2018 release, the retro rocker channels all his vintage rock and roll influences, and molds them into something contemporary and revivalist at the same time, but most importantly, it's a hell of […]
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