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Timeline 1988: Mazzy Star Rises From Opal

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor In the early 1980s there were a large number of underground rock and roll bands that were embracing the sounds and styles of the 1960s, particularly the garage and psychedelic side of things. From UK bands like Teardrop Explodes and Echo & the Bunnymen to American rockers like […]
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Cruisin' The Decades with Brad Savage: July 2023

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By Brad Savage - Summit FM Program Director Now fast becoming a signature program or feature of The Summit FM, "Cruisin' The Decades - 100 Years of Music" is a real, interesting musical journey each week. The concept is music from the 1920's to the 2020's, any one song per decade, all in one hour. […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Can it really be 30 years since Sheryl Crow welcomed everyone into the Tuesday Night Music Club? Arithmetic being what it is, yes, indeed -- it has been 30 years! From childhood, Crow knew she wanted to be a singer and set about making her dream happen. From […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor There must be something in the air aside from Canadian smoke as we sit here in 2023, (and don’t blame Geddy and Alex, they only stop for the best). It's barely July and there have been two cover versions released this year, of the 1972 Osmonds’ classic 'Crazy Horses'. A few […]
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Album Essentials: Devo - "Are We Not Men"

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By Dave Swanson, Summit FM Contributor Yeah, we know, it's an Akron thing! Truth be told, it's waaaay more than that! DEVO were, and still are, one of the most unique, adventurous, clever and exciting bands ever! Crawling out of their art students' hiding place at Kent State University back in the early 1970s, DEVO […]
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Timeline 1988: Grunge Has Arrived!?

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Ask a handful of different people to describe the music of the 1980s and odds are good you'll get as many different answers as people. From rappers and ragged punk leftovers to the shiny MTV stars, to the metal brigade, to the slick urban contemporary and twang laden […]
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Album Essentials: The Police - "Synchronicity"

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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor After six years of consistently upping their game, the Police entered 1983 somewhat on top of the world. Each previous album was more successful than the one before it, they were on the radio, on MTV, and selling out concerts. Their unique hybrid of pop, rock and reggae […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor It's funny how people like to remember and or write the history books in neat orderly form, as if there were definitive starting points and ending exclamations. This all makes for fine reading and or storytelling, but the truth is never that definitive. The truth is much more […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor Talking Heads were, and remain, one of the most interesting rock and roll bands in history. Their almost shy and awkward beginnings quickly gave way to art school bravado and ultimately to a warehouse full of interesting ideas and musical adventure. Over the course of their first three […]
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By Dave Swanson - Summit FM Contributor A bunch of freaks! A bunch of freaks I tell ya! The Flaming Lips, perhaps the most famous rock and roll exports from Oklahoma City, began life back in 1983 with a modest arrival. Combining garage rock aesthetics, a love for the Cramps, and a thirst quenched by […]
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