Summit Wellness: Comfortable 2025

By Summit FM Contributor Marc Lee Shannon
Like many of us, I look ahead with intentions, wishes, and resolutions when the new year begins. Last year, 2024, was a tester. I mean that there were so many changes, some expected some, eh, not so much. I more than once found myself in situations reminiscent of that feeling, like when you slip on the kitchen floor, in a slow-motion ballet of limbs flailing, screaming sounds like a cheap horror film Saturday matinee, and then, the final crash of my bouncing of the head on cold tile floor. Or, in my case, super convincing Lowes special-on-sale faux vinyl.
I am so over 2024. It was a challenging year, and I had to draw on my resilience and durability more than once and on more than one occasion. I am sure that I am not alone in this. Can I get an Amen?
So, looking ahead to 2025,” What's the plan, dude?” says my rational, practical side of that twin voice conscience engine, the constantly critical, rarely helpful devil of a bully in my lacking-confidence spinning head.
I have a plan that starts with a mantra. In 2025, I will:
Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Full stop. Let that one wash over ya. Now reread it.
I don’t want to get all zen on you, dear readers, but I like many of the teachings in Buddhist wisdom, and one that holds dear to me is that we all have to suffer. That is human. However, remaining attached to suffering is a choice. We are all floating downstream more or less on this planet and cannot control the current, of course, but we can pick up the darn oar and steer. Oh, rocks or rapids coming up around the bend? Ok, steer. Are you struggling with health, family, or financial issues? Ok, Steer. Sudden problem with a significant other that is recurring? Ok, Steer. In fact, I have adopted a little spurt of a saying when I feel uncomfortable. I say, “Bring it on.” I say this as if by turning and facing the difficult situation, I can admit that it is game time, and I can deal with whatever twisted sister tsunami by saying Ok, you are here. You will make it through this and now turn and face the uncomfortable. Breathe.
Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable means that we are rarely going to have the river slow and easy, and when it's not, we can deal with it. A sudden shift in thinking will change your world. What we think about, we bring about. So why not look at change, challenges, and cheap life punches with a new set of glasses? Sometimes, most of the time, all we can do is change our view. Opinion matters in that self-talk, self-assuring coaching moment with ourselves.
So, in 2025, I will get comfortable being uncomfortable. How about you? What can you change your perspective on within the next month, week, or moment?
Well, wish me luck! Send me a line or two at with your thoughts about this column or if you have an idea for another. Love to hear from you!
Until then... Cheers, stay standing, and, as always, steady on!