Album Essentials: Devo - "Are We Not Men"

By Dave Swanson, Summit FM Contributor
Yeah, we know, it's an Akron thing!
Truth be told, it's waaaay more than that! DEVO were, and still are, one of the most unique, adventurous, clever and exciting bands ever! Crawling out of their art students' hiding place at Kent State University back in the early 1970s, DEVO had a vision, both musical and ideological, that stemmed from the observation that we as a people were not evolving, but rather de-volving. Pretty heady and forward-thinking stuff for a world mired in political and student assignations, war, hippie culture and highly questionable politics.
DEVO was, first and foremost, a 'pop' group. But their brand of pop music was served with the most twisted attributes possible. Their look and sound were a sort of Neanderthal futurism, yet, with a catchy tune at the core. After several legendary live performances along with homemade films and audio recordings, DEVO were becoming an actual band and not just a concept.
Their film, The Truth About De-Evolution, had attracted some attention within underground circles as had their first single, "Mongoloid" b/w "Jocko Homo." Word was spreading about this weird band from the bowels of Akron, Ohio and soon, they found themselves signed to Stiff Records in the UK. From there it was only a matter of time as from the lips of David Bowie to Brian Eno's ear, DEVO were making their legendary debut album for Warner Brothers. Released in the summer of 1978, DEVO were not easy to ignore. Their appearance on Saturday Night Live to promote the album is the stuff of legend -- and rightfully so.
From start to finish, the album is packed with great songs and genius moments that somehow still sound 'modern' and fresh 45 years down that road which, in many cases, has only proved that de-evolution theory more correct than ever! The thrill of blasting "Uncontrollable Urge," "Mongoloid," or "Come Back Jonee" at full volume has yet to wear off, so please do just that as we celebrate a milestone in pop music by these hometown heroes. The album turns 45 years old this week!
Truly essential and then some!
Tune into The Summit FM all day Thursday, July 6 to hear tracks from Are We Not Men as our Summit Album Essential of the week.