Underwriter Spotlight: County of Summit ADM Board

By Laura Smiley - Summit FM Sales Director
Our Summit FM Underwriter Spotlight shines down on the County of Summit Alcohol, Drug, Addiction & Mental Health Services Board.
The County of Summit ADM Board provides a client-centered path to recovery by ensuring that treatment, prevention, and support services are available when individuals and families need it in our community.The County of Summit ADM Board is responsible for planning, funding, monitoring and evaluating treatment, prevention and support services for people who experience alcoholism, drug addiction and/or mental illness. The ADM Board does not provide any direct service, but contracts with local agencies to provide quality, affordable services for people at critical times in their lives. The ADM Board system of services provides opportunities for recovery and hope for a better life.
Mental illnesses and alcohol and drug addiction disorders are very common. National estimates are that about one in five adults will experience a mental illness or addictive disorder at some point in their lives. Two out of every three Ohioans are impacted by a friend or family member with an addiction or mental illness.When this happens to you or your loved one, services and supports are available in our community to get you on the road to recovery. We believe and expect that anyone can recover and/or manage their conditions successfully.
With help comes hope, which is the foundation of recovery. Recovery starts here.In crisis? Call the 24/7 hotline: 330-434-9144
Ready for Addiction Treatment? Call 330-940-1133